
The Space Between (Part 1)

The Space Between (Part 1)

So clearly humans don’t always get it right. Most of us could come up with a list of the offenses perpetrated against us fairly quick. We know those things have left emotional scars that still bear on who we are. Who are we?

Are we the sum total of those things done to us, especially at young ages? Are we able to wipe free the slate of our childhoods? Can we possibly erase the damage left by our parents? Or is that all part of making us who we actually are?

Are the things that happened to us essential to us?

To Love What You Do (Part 1)

To Love What You Do (Part 1)

There is no way around thinking about work as an obligation. From the beginning of time humans have had to do things they did not want to do in order to survive, sustain, and even prosper. Work was built into the very fabric of life.

Our ancient ancestors may have had the advantage of not analyzing every area of our existence as we do. They lived out of necessity. They did not have the luxury to ponder, at least to the degree we do. Certainly they ached existentially.

Still the men knew that if they did not hunt or gather the family would not eat. They knew there was something driving them toward things they may not have wanted to do, namely survival. And today we are ultimately in the same dilemma.

We work for one reason ultimately: survival. We work for money. The money buys food, clothes, and shelter. We call them necessities. If we don’t work, we don’t have them. We are driven to find ways to make money in order to survive.

That instinct is ultimately good. We should survive. Life is worth surviving for. Think about what the will to survive is actually saying. Life is good. Existence is good. The continuation of life is good. The will to survive is the foundation of hope.